Donald J Trump became the 45th US President

Donald J Trump became the 45th US President

USA. Former Reality Tv Show host, Multi Billionaire and Choosing politics as hobby last year, Donald J Trump defeat the wife of two times US President Bill Clinton, Was in politics for 40 years, Former Secretary Foreign affairs Hillary Clinton. This is the Biggest upset in the history of politics. Donald Trump wins many states as well. Donald Trump is known for his aggressive behavior, He is very clear about "radical islam". He campaign against Radical Islam. His campaign slogan was MAGA, Make America Great Again. Hillary Clinton campaign slogan was Together we Stronger. 
In his victory speech Donald Trump was very careful unlike his campaign but the some one from crowd chants Kill Obama Kill Obama. This is very dangerous trend. Hope The new president of the united states Donald J Trump solve this insecurities. 
Hillary Clinton speaks while in her conceding speech. She accept the defeat with grace and urge people to not slow down their work and campaign to make america together and stronger.
Besides the losing states Hillary Clinton won   Popular votes, Hillary got 59236737 votes while Donald J Trump got 59087657 votes.
One of the most major upset for Hillary was that she lose strongest hold of democrats Florida.
Donald J Trump won OHIO also, which were won two times by democrats previously. 
California goes to Hillary.